Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Where have you been, Meisha????

Long time, no see my sistahs. I haven't posted consistently on this blog since May 2014. There were so many topics that I wanted to talk about, but life caught up with me. I know you are wondering what I have been getting into since my long hiatus...

This summer, I had an opportunity to intern at a summer camp. With children, activities, and taking care of the facilities, it was hard for me to find time to post on this blog. I thought about this blog almost every single week, with a lot of ideas, but no time to write about them. My experiences being on staff at this "Christian" camp will definitely lead to some interesting topics in the stay tuned.

My 21st birthday happened too! It was a night to remember. With some reflecting, nose piercing, partying, and legal drinking, I truly enjoyed bringing in the big 21. Don't worry teen sistahs. I am still here to give you some advice. Just think of me as a big sister.

Finally, I am currently finishing up my first semester of my senior year of university. It has been a long road and now I'm busier than ever with my studies, extracurriculars, social life...sleep, etc. 

Where does all of this leave TeenSistahTalk? I will be revamping the site over my Winter Break from school. This means that in a little over a month, I will be back with a lot of interesting topics and discussions for my sistahs.

Until then,


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Our Sistahs Around the World

A couple of weeks before I revamped and starting back posting on this blog, I received a message from an African young lady, Gladys from Paris, France (Her message is what really re-inspired me to start back posting). Her message was just her expressing her concern about the black identity issue that is international. What really struck a cord with me is the phrase that she used, "international black community".

Starting up this blog, I didn't have in mind our black sistahs from other places. I had African-American females in mind. However, the message from Gladys made me realize that issues of the black community doesn't only affect those in America. These issues affect everyone of African descent. The term "black community" normally refers to us here in America, but I think it's time to realize that it is not only us in America who deal with the issues, but also the international black community.

Even though I can only offer my perspective and present content from my point of view as a black woman in America, I hope that Gladys and all the other international sistahs out there are able to take something away from what we are going to explore together on my blog.

Thanks to Gladys from Paris, France (my dream destination) for sending in her message.

Are you a international sistah? Have you ever thought about our international sistahs? Tell me about your thoughts, experiences, and what you would like to see for future "Think About It Thursday"s.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

No Post Today

I didn't receive any questions for Wisdom Wednesday so there is no post for today. Please send in those questions!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Let's Talk About Best Friends

Bestie. Homie. Ride or Die. BFF. BFFL. Or simply, Best Friend.

Having a best friend is something truly special. Someone you can lean on. Someone you can trust. Someone you can tell anything to. Someone who understands you and share some of your interests. Someone who is there for you from breaking up with your boyfriend to covering you so you can dig out a wedgie. This is a person who is very special. Believe it or not, finding a best friend is something that is very rare. Yet, the word best friend or bestie gets thrown around a lot.

Me and my best friend Sabrina
reunited after a couple of months
So how do you know that you indeed have found your best friend? When they are the top of your friends and the one who you know that no matter what paths the both of you take in life that you will be close for life and each time you see each other, there's nothing but screams, laughs, and hugs. When you can tell them anything and with confidence, know that they won't tell your secrets. When you know that if they are ever in a sticky situation (let's say, jail - LOL), you will be there for them. These things among so many other things is what let's you know that you have a best friend.

However, why is this topic important to our community? Everybody needs a best friend, right? That is correct, but the reason why having a best friend is so important to our group in society is because as black females, we tend to not be seen in a positive light when it comes to friendships. Reality TV teaches us that all black women will eventually stab you in the back, even if you are BFFs. The phrase "Trust No B*tch" has been thrown around so much and has cause our group in society to become strained from one another. Instead of going at each others throats, fighting, and calling each other "B"s like we are some wild animals on reality TV, we should lift each other up, promote girl power, and promote sisterhood. Having a best friend is one of those ways we can say to society, "HEY! Not all black women hate each other! We, too, have a sisterhood."

So do you truly have a best friend? Tell me all about your best friend and what you love about your friendship down in the comments below.

Monday, May 12, 2014


This past Wednesday (May 7) marked three years since I did the big chop and became, from then on, fully natural. May 7 is my nappiversary (combination of the word nappy with anniversary to mark the day you big chop and become au naturale) and on this day I like to take pictures, look at old pictures of my hair, and reflect on my natural hair journey so far.
To most people, cutting your hair is not really a big deal, but something like this in the black community, to go against the grain and accept your natural hair texture that isn't particularly seen as beautiful in society, is a big deal. Besides, it's just fun to see how far you have come and how your hair has grown.

Here is a collage I posted on my Instagram (link under About Me tab). In the first row are some pictures during my first year of being natural after the big chop. The second row is the second year. The third row is the third. What I love about this collage is not only does it show my progress so far, but it shows me enjoying my hair and texture and experimenting through the years.

Nappiversary 2013 VS. Nappiversary 2014

However, I must admit I do love it when I can see how much my hair has grown.

So what have I learned this year about my hair? This year I just learned to enjoy my hair more. The second year I did a lot of protective styles and of course, I saw a lot of growth, but this year around, I didn't want to take my hair too seriously. Sometimes I had let my hair go extra days without washing or allowed my hair to become a tangled dry mess, but I had FUN with it. It's not as much growth that I am used to but c'est la vie (that's life in French).

Are you natural? Are you transitioning? Tell me about what you're experiencing in the comments below.

Monday, July 1, 2013

High Puff Tutorial

For about two days last week, I was rocking a cute hairstyle. It was a spin on your everyday puff on natural hair; it was more pulled to the front of my head. I don't know what made me do this style, but all I know is that my hair was really raggedy and I needed something to make it look cute. This style is on my Instagram and I got compliments on the style, so I decided to share it here with you guys by giving you the steps to achieve this style.

The first step (starting with the picture at the top of he "L") is I take down my twists. I keep my hair twisted at night so my hair can fit under my bonnet and to also keep my twist-outs nice and defined. While taking down my twists, I'm moisturizing my hair. Then, I put my hair in a ponytail towards the front part of my head, as far as I can go, with an ouchless band. Next, I shape my hair, pulling, fluffing and all downwards for the look. The next step is optional: add a scarf for at least 10-15 minutes so the hair in the back will be smoothed down. Finally, VOILA. You have my high puff (end results are the last picture at the end of the "L" and the biggest picture)!!

What do you think about the hairstyle? Will you try it out? Comment and tell me how the style works out for you.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Post Today

Didn't receive any questions for Wisdom Wednesday. Sorry. Please submit those questions for me to answer.