Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Where have you been, Meisha????

Long time, no see my sistahs. I haven't posted consistently on this blog since May 2014. There were so many topics that I wanted to talk about, but life caught up with me. I know you are wondering what I have been getting into since my long hiatus...

This summer, I had an opportunity to intern at a summer camp. With children, activities, and taking care of the facilities, it was hard for me to find time to post on this blog. I thought about this blog almost every single week, with a lot of ideas, but no time to write about them. My experiences being on staff at this "Christian" camp will definitely lead to some interesting topics in the stay tuned.

My 21st birthday happened too! It was a night to remember. With some reflecting, nose piercing, partying, and legal drinking, I truly enjoyed bringing in the big 21. Don't worry teen sistahs. I am still here to give you some advice. Just think of me as a big sister.

Finally, I am currently finishing up my first semester of my senior year of university. It has been a long road and now I'm busier than ever with my studies, extracurriculars, social life...sleep, etc. 

Where does all of this leave TeenSistahTalk? I will be revamping the site over my Winter Break from school. This means that in a little over a month, I will be back with a lot of interesting topics and discussions for my sistahs.

Until then,


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