Thursday, May 15, 2014

Our Sistahs Around the World

A couple of weeks before I revamped and starting back posting on this blog, I received a message from an African young lady, Gladys from Paris, France (Her message is what really re-inspired me to start back posting). Her message was just her expressing her concern about the black identity issue that is international. What really struck a cord with me is the phrase that she used, "international black community".

Starting up this blog, I didn't have in mind our black sistahs from other places. I had African-American females in mind. However, the message from Gladys made me realize that issues of the black community doesn't only affect those in America. These issues affect everyone of African descent. The term "black community" normally refers to us here in America, but I think it's time to realize that it is not only us in America who deal with the issues, but also the international black community.

Even though I can only offer my perspective and present content from my point of view as a black woman in America, I hope that Gladys and all the other international sistahs out there are able to take something away from what we are going to explore together on my blog.

Thanks to Gladys from Paris, France (my dream destination) for sending in her message.

Are you a international sistah? Have you ever thought about our international sistahs? Tell me about your thoughts, experiences, and what you would like to see for future "Think About It Thursday"s.

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