Monday, June 17, 2013

Dads Doing Their Daughter's Hair

Yesterday was Father's Day. Of course all over Facebook, the love of fathers was all over the place. Seeing pictures of dads with their gorgeous sons and/or daughters was enough to give me a cavity with all that sweetness. This one picture I found floating around in particular really stole my heart (at the bottom).

It's just something about fathers who actually do their daughter's hair, especially natural hair. It is so cute and moments like these are very special and rare, considering that a lot of us may come from a single-parent household (mother lead). I never had this experience with my stepdad. Well, I never allowed him to; I'm not crazy. LOL.

Have your dad or any male in your life (brother, uncle, etc) ever tried to do your hair? Tell me your funny stories in the comment section below.

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